By mid May the Eiders starts to lay their eggs. The male and female couples in November. The female chooses the nest side. Mostly she goes to the same spot year after year. The nest is a small hole in the ground. Usually by some rock that will shelter for the strong wind by the artic circle. She will put some hay in the hole before she lays the eggs. When the eggs are in the nest the Eider has to keep them warm. To do that the nature has made a good system in the Eider. The hormon of the she Eider makes the down on her chest fall off. Part of her chest will be bald and this part will keep the eggs warm. The eiderdown that falls off the Eider she will push to the sides of the nest. From this down we make the warmest duvets in the world!
The arctic circle eiderdown is handpickt from the nest. The down is dried immediatly after it is picked and then heated to 120 C to disinfect it. Then it is mechanically cleaned in machines specially made in Iceland for this purpose. The next step in the cleaning is removing feathers and knots by hand. At last the eiderdown is handwashed. No chemicals are used in this process.
Do you want to buy the warmest duvets made in the world? Finest quality handpicked Eiderdown from Iceland, selected and gently washes. Experience pure luxury – light and elegant warmth.